Through its education and continuing trining activities, the CHL aims to:

  • Change the perspective from 'ageing as a loss' to 'longevity as an opportunity'
  • Counter the ageist stereotype that tends to see longevity as a factor that cannot be changed by individuals and contexts.
  • Creating opportunities of self-determination for older people by identifying the limits imposed by stigma and promoting empowerment for healthy ageing.
  • Create University educational and training possibilities for the future professionals (not only in the health and social sectors) that include specific knowledge that can cope with the demographic changes taking place.
  • Provide opportunities for lifelong learning for people of all ages, taking into account the sensory, cognitive and motivational changes of older people and their potential for learning and enhancing knowledge.
  • Educating communities about the possibility of intergenerational coexistence to ensure well-being in all ages of life.