The CHL - Centre Healthy Longevity is research and third mission centre which, through the design of new theoretical and applied research models, aims to guide changes in order to foster an improvement in the quantity and quality of life of the elderly and those about to grow old. Through its activities the CHL intends to:

  • update interpretative models of longevity so that we do not always think ageing only as physical and psychic decline;
  • reviewing the forms of housing, urban and territorial proposals so that they are increasingly tailored to the older individuals and their social and cultural integration;
  • rethink the demand for and supply of goods and services in enterprises to  innovate technological and management processes that can keep together the skills and needs of different generations of workers and promote 'work in late life'.

To this end, the CHL intends to bring into play the multidisciplinary and cross-sectoral resources and competences of the University of Bergamo in order to give life to lines of research that are indispensable elements of orientation and support to innovation for those who administer urban and rural realities and for those who are the main actors of the economic and social development of the territory.

In particular, the CHL aims to be reference point for the health and quality of life of people who aspire to a longevity lived in fullness:

  • Conceiving, designing, and applying innovative solutions that support and enhance the healthy ageing of people and organisations.
  • Studying the human and cultural, socio-economic and organisational-managerial implications of healthy longevity.