The ViveDe project: "Living with Dementia" allows one to experience through 360º videos what it means to have a diagnosis of dementia and face everyday life, including challenges and pitfalls.

Through first-person viewing, possible from a smartphone or tablet, also in 3D through common VR viewers (Google cardboard V2 glasses or similar), one has the opportunity to 'put oneself in the shoes' of a person with cognitive frailty. The videos show the possibilities and difficulties a person with dementia faces in everyday life situations, such as living alone, preparing meals, shopping, going to a bar or restaurant, managing social relationships, and cultivating their own interests and hobbies.

In addition to allowing a change of perspective and increasing awareness of the evident symptoms in the different forms of dementia, ViveDe aims to support individuals, groups, and communities in understanding what can be done to support people with dementia in everyday life. ViveDe is indeed a useful tool for building and promoting a Dementia Friendly culture that calls on all citizens, in the exercise of their personal and professional roles, to be more inclusive towards people with dementia.

ViveDe is part of a research project, funded by the Alzheimer’s Association (Grant AACSF-22-924470), aimed at family caregivers of people diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease to promote empathy and psychological well-being.